She gets knocked down, but she always gets back up.
What is buried so deep that you can't even bear the thought of digging it up? Are you dealing with abuse, or addiction, or any number of other problems? What has you stopped in your tracks? Are you tired of struggling and trying to fix the problems yourself? If so, there is hope to be found within the pages of this book.
What is your heart crying out for? Peace? Love? Acceptance? There are answers to your problems, and there is a balm for your heart and peace for your soul. Venture in and take a chance on being healed and restored. You won't be disappointed
My Gritty Daughter is the true story of a woman who encountered all of these problems but was healed in multiple ways after many years of abuse. It is a story of healing, redemption, and restoration. These things are not just available to her--they are available to you as well. Don't let life's circumstances or your past keep you from accomplishing the very purpose for which you were put on this earth. It's not too late for your dreams to become reality.