My Gawd! Is that allowed? Can you write that? The overarching theme which links the thirteen stories in this collection is sex in its various forms, sexuality, the roots of sexual development and expression. If it were a film it would be rated R: adults only. But not rated X. This is not erotica. That's the fun of Fairbanks' clever writing. It sometimes gets very 'close to the line' but then it backs off. There are only a couple of jolts in retrospect. Some stories have no sex at all. (Does sex between insects count?)
This is a collection of thirteen stories set out as one per month plus New Year's. It is fun to take up the author's suggestion and read the last story first. This tantalizing New Year's story is written as a two-act play. Another story is a humorous narrative poem. The stories are full of interesting and varied characters: young, old, male, female, ordinary, eccentric, naughty, and nice. Settings include the author's backyard, Central Australia, and other rural and urban Australian backgrounds.
These are Aussie yarns - ribald, poignant, poetic, and lewd. There is poetry in the prose, touching descriptions of setting and character, reflections on life, nature, and the Australian Outback. Put it on your bedside table and read one story every night for a fortnight of fun and titillation.