My Friends At Brook Farm is a memoir written by John Van Der Zee Sears, detailing his experiences living and working at Brook Farm, a utopian community located in Massachusetts during the mid-19th century. Sears recounts his time spent with the community's residents, including...
My friends at Brook Farm (1912). This book, "My friends at Brook Farm", by John van der Zee Sears, is a replication of a book originally published before 1912. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible...
My Friends At Brook Farm is a memoir written by John Van Der Zee Sears about his experiences living at Brook Farm, a utopian community in Massachusetts during the mid-19th century. The book provides a detailed account of the daily life, customs, and beliefs of the members of...
My Friends At Brook Farm is a memoir written by John Van Der Zee Sears about his time spent living at the experimental utopian community of Brook Farm in Massachusetts during the mid-19th century. The book offers a unique and personal perspective on the community, which was founded...