Decisions, decisions, decisions....Plans, plans, plans.....
Sometimes there are so many things to think about, so many alternatives and twists and turns it gets so confusing it's hard to keep up with the details of what you are wanting to do
Enter the Map of Your Mind
I am hoping that by reading this book you are signaling that you have things that need to be thought through in an orderly fashion and that they are, until now, becoming a jumble in your mind.
Enclosed in this book are several different types of mind map, from the simple to the complex. Each map is attached in its beginning design, and then other similar pages are included so you can take the maps you like the best and expand them until all your options, thoughts and considerations are laid out on the table to think about. After a few of these examples, there are also included some base mind maps for you to choose from. You can use one, several, all, or as many as you want. They are totally yours to play with and to learn about yourself from.
Another benefit of this book is that you can take a photograph and reproduce each of the pages on a printer or copy machine, so that you can lay them out, hang them up, or otherwise arrange them to best suit the way YOU think.
This book is full-color, to make it more enjoyable. The images are rotated 90 degrees so you will have plenty of room to work with the mapping. The book is a full 8 1/2 " X 11" print.