My Bilingual Coping Journal is meant for children or anyone wanting to develop their English/Spanish vocabulary when it comes to coping, emotions, and coping plans. There are open ended prompts such as: When I am sad, I can/Cuando estoy triste puedo written on Story Pages where there is a header, a space for drawing and more handwriting line guides, perfect for pre-school or kindergarted writers. After each set of English/Spanish prompt, there is also a 3 part comic page and a dotted grid page where your littles can continue to express themselves by writing, drawing, or any other way of written expression on the pages.
There are 25 Open Ended Coping/Affirmation Prompts to get your little one thinking about how they can cope with emotions, acknowledge how they can be kind, brave, grateful, thankful, etc. Each phrase is in both English and Spanish, making this a total of 50 pages since each phrase has it's own two pages to write on. After each theme, there is a comic page and dotted grid page for your child's creativity. The last third of the book has blank story handwriting and drawing pages for your child to write about anything else they'd like, or you'd like to assign them. This is the perfect tool for children to also practice tracing and writing.
Samples of Prompts. There are a total of 25:
I am special because / Soy especial porqueI am loved by / Soy querida/o porI am important / Soy importanteI can do hard things / Puedo hacer cosas dificilesI am good at / Soy buena/o paraGreat for:
HomeschoolingKindergarten studentsBilingual Education studentsSchool counselors/therapistsLearning to writeIntroduction to JournalingCoping ToolsAffirmations for kidsEarly interventionJournal Size: 8x10
Total: Pages: 200