My 1000 Mile Journey - A 52 Week Running Journal.
Whether you walk, jog or are learning to run, this log book will document your personal journey. A journey of 1000 miles is approximately 2.75 miles per day. To track this distance throughout each day, it is strongly recommended the person wear a fitness tracker of some sort. Every step through the day counts towards the thousand mile journey
There are 111 pages to track your activities and progress, with example pages for reference.
Pages 3 - 5: Layout of book with example pages.Pages 6 - 7: Calendar to add race events.Pages 8 - 111: Weekly documentation covers two facing pages for each week. This space prompts to record goals, daily steps, training, conditioning and notes. There is a summary section at the end for cumulative miles traveled.This a great gift for a person trying to start or improve their personal fitness by walking, jogging, wogging or running.