In the first of a charming new series spin-off of Karen Rose Smith's Daisy's Tea Garden Mysteries, Daisy's daughter Jazzi Swanson has opened her own tea and book shop, providing a variety of literature and flavored beverages for a rural New York community. But Jazzi hasn't...
" The first in a new series spun off from the Daisy Tea Garden Mysteries, Daisy's daughter Jazzi Swanson has opened her own book and tea shop, providing a variety of literature and flavored beverages for a rural New York community. But Jazzi has not only inherited her mother's...
New York State's Belltower Landing is a lakeside resort town where tourists spend their summer days boating, floating, and paddle-boarding on the water. It's also the perfect place to cuddle up with a good book and enjoy a cup of tea, courtesy of Tomes & Tea. Owned and operated...