Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian paragraph. It won't be an easy project, but you'll learn a lot.
Turgenev wrote Mumu with such vivid images and reflections of the state of the tsarist Russia that this piece together with his other stories was credited with having influenced public opinion in favour of the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Turgenev was the first of the great...
""Mumu"" is a novella written by Ivan Turgenev, a famous Russian author. The story revolves around Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf who works for an aristocratic family in Moscow. Gerasim is deeply attached to his pet dog, Mumu, who is also deaf and mute. However, when Gerasim's...
""Mumu"" is a novella by the Russian author Ivan Turgenev. The story is set in 19th century Russia and follows the life of a deaf and mute serf woman named Mumu, who is owned by an aristocratic landowner named Gerasim. Mumu is fiercely loyal to Gerasim and becomes his constant...
""Mumu"" is a novella written by the famous Russian author Ivan Turgenev. The story revolves around a deaf-mute serf woman named Mumu and her relationship with her owner, Gerasim, who is a loyal servant of a wealthy landowner. Mumu is fiercely devoted to Gerasim, and he in turn...
""Mumu"" is a novella by Ivan Turgenev, first published in 1854. The story is set in Russia and revolves around Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf who works for a wealthy landowner, Ivan Petrovich. Gerasim is deeply attached to his pet dog, Mumu, whom he loves more than anything else...
Классический русский рассказ Ивана Сергеевича...
The story of Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf whose life of poverty is brought into sharp relief by his connection with Mumu, a dog he rescued, brought greater national attention to the cruelties of serfdom, and received praise for its brutal portrayal of this institution in Russian...
The story opens in Moscow, at the home of an unnamed, wealthy, and elderly widow. Mean and spiteful, she has been abandoned by whatever living friends and relatives she still has. The exposition then focuses on one of her porters, Gerasim, a man from the countryside. Born deaf...
Ivan Turgenev's story set on the outskirts of Moscow, in the house of an old widow. Turgenev wrote Mumu with such vivid images and reflections of the state of the tsarist Russia that this piece together with his other stories was credited with having influenced public opinion...
At first he intensely disliked his new mode of life. From his childhood he had been used to field labour, to village life. Shut off by his affliction from the society of men, he had grown up, dumb and mighty, as a tree grows on a fruitful soil. When he was transported to the...
At first he intensely disliked his new mode of life. From his childhood he had been used to field labour, to village life. Shut off by his affliction from the society of men, he had grown up, dumb and mighty, as a tree grows on a fruitful soil. When he was transported to the...
Of all her servants, the most remarkable personage was the porter, Gerasim, a man full twelve inches over the normal height, of heroic build, and deaf and dumb from his birth. The lady, his owner, had brought him up from the village where he lived alone in a little hut, apart...