After 9-11 I thought it best for my perspective and thinking to read something about Islam. I did not want to be an ignorant propagandist responding emotionally to events without knowledge or insight. I wanted some fact less fiction. Having read most of Ms. Armstrong's other work I felt comfortable with her objectivity and fairness dealing with sensative historical facts, fiction, and mythology as she does. Muhammad is...
Enough has already been said about how the book is easy to read and follow. So I won't add to that.As a Muslim who has studied other biographies of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I found the book to be authentic enough. What I mean is that there is some variation within Muslim biographers. Within the limit of that variability, the book is authentic enough.However, I must add that anyone reading...
Being a Muslim, I find that there are some inaccuracies to the Islamic message in this book, but it it very thorough in the other 99% . This book is excellent for Muslims and non-Muslims alike in that Karen Armstrong's approach does not praise the prophet or even assume he was, but rather explains him in a very objective manner and brings to life his human side. For Americans and westerners in general, this book has a lot...
As a High School Teacher of Seniors enrolled in a History of the Middle East Course, this book is perfect for placing the life and messages of Muhammad in a real-life historical perspective including influencial 6th century political and economic forces. Students reported that Armstrong cleared up numerous misconceptions, questions, and outright historical inaccuracies. The casual reader may find some passages regarding...
Karen Armstrong scored big with Muhammad. Having read her History of God, I read her biography of the Prophet believing I would be treated to some genuine insight, and I was not disappointed. I highly recommend this, especially to Western readers!Muhammad, his story, his religion, and his people are among the least understood elements of world history to your average Westerner. The information we are bombarded with...