Mrs. Protheroe is a novel written by Booth Tarkington. The book revolves around the life of a middle-aged woman named Mrs. Protheroe, who is the wife of a wealthy businessman. She is a woman of great ambition and is determined to achieve success in her own right. However, her...
Mrs. Protheroe is a novel written by Booth Tarkington, an American author and playwright. The story is set in a small town in the Midwest and revolves around the titular character, Mrs. Protheroe, a wealthy and respected member of the community. She is known for her charitable...
Mrs. Protheroe is a novel written by Booth Tarkington, first published in 1922. The story is set in a small town in the Midwest and revolves around the life of Mrs. Protheroe, a middle-aged widow who is the epitome of respectability and propriety in her community. She is a devout...