Ren Daumal's classic allegory of man's search for himself embraces the certainty that one can know and conquer one's own reality. In this novel, the narrator sets sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, the geographically located, albeit...
In this novel/allegory the narrator/author sets sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, the geographically located, albeit hidden, peak that reaches inexorably toward heaven. Daumal's symbolic mountain represents a way to truth that "cannot not exist," and...
This pataphysical journey up a mountain whose "summit must be inaccessible, but its base accessible to human beings" depicts an allegorical landscape akin to Alice in Wonderland A beloved cult classic of surrealism, pataphysics and Gurdjieffian...
ninguna creencia me fuera inculcada, el problema de la muerte se present ante m en toda su desnudez. Pas noches atroces arandome el vientre y agarrado a mi garganta por la angustia de la nada, del "ms nada de todo" [plus rien du tout]. A los once aos, una noche, aflojando mi...