Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536) is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance humanist movement, which abandoned medieval pieties in favour of a rich new vision of the individual's potential. Praise of Folly, written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, is Erasmus's best-known...
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) was a Dutch humanist, scholar, and social critic, and one of the most important figures of the Renaissance. The Praise of Folly is perhaps his best-known work. Originally written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, this satiric celebration...
First published in Paris in 1511, The Praise of Folly has enjoyed enormous and highly controversial success from the author's lifetime down to our own day. It has no rival, except perhaps Thomas More's Utopia, as the most intense and lively presentation of the literary, social,...
This witty, influential work by one of the greatest scholars of the Renaissance satirizes the shortcomings of the upper classes and religious institutions of the time. The most effective of all Erasmus's writings -- ripe with allusions, vignettes, and caricatures -- the literary...
Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1466-1536) is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance humanist movement, which abandoned medieval pieties in favour of a rich new vision of the individual's potential. Praise of Folly, written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, is Erasmus's best-known...
L' loge de la Folie est un essai crit en latin en 1509 par Desiderius Erasmus de Rotterdam et publi pour la premi re fois en juin 1511. Consid r comme l'une des oeuvres les plus remarquables de la Renaissance, c'est une attaque satirique contre les superstitions et autres...
First published in Paris in 1511, The Praise of Folly has enjoyed enormous and highly controversial success from the author's lifetime down to our own day. The Folly has no rival, except perhaps Thomas More's Utopia, as the most intense and lively presentation of the literary,...
The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization...
Written in Latin in 1509 and published in 1511, "Praise of Folly" by Dutch humanist and scholar Desiderius Erasmus is considered one of the most important works of literature in Western Civilization. The essay is a classic satirical work in the style of Lucian, the ancient...
El Elogio de la locura, (Morias Enkomion en griego y Stultitiae Laus en lat n: literalmente, Elogio de la estulticia o de la tonter a) es un ensayo escrito por Erasmo de Rotterdam e impreso por primera vez en 1511; est inspirado en De triumpho stultitiae del italiano Faustino...
Praise of Folly is an essay written in Latin in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam and first printed in 1511. Inspired by De Triumpho Stultitiae, written by the Italian humanist Faustino Perisauli, born at Tredozio, near Forl . Praise of Folly is considered one of the most...
In addition to a sparkling modern translation of Praise of Folly, this volume also includes other works by Erasmus: Pope Julius Barred from Heaven, Epigram against Pope Julius II and a selection of his Adages. Together with the extensive annotation of the texts, these help to...
In Praise of Folly is an essay written in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam and first printed in 1511. The essay was inspired by De Triumpho Stultitiae, written by Italian humanist Faustino Perisauli, born at Tredozio, near Forl . Erasmus revised and extended the work,...
Erasmus von Rotterdam: Lob der Torheit Mit 32 Illustrationen von Hans Holbein dem J ngeren Neuausgabe 2020, mit aktuellem Vorwort
Das >Lob der TorheitLob der TorheitBestseller-AutorErasmus-ProgrammRalf Dahrendorf ber >Lob...