Fate is a funny thing. It brings us together, tears us apart, brings us back together, makes us do stupid things that people find out about...then it keeps you stuck in a damn hospital bed, in a coma, while the love of your life goes to Singapore. And the cherry on the sundae - I obviously couldn't talk to her to tell her the truth.
Then fate just adds to that already big steaming pile of 'fate crap' and you wake up and lay in your hospital bed watching the love of your life get sick on television thousands of miles away.
But you can change your path so that fate is actually a good thing - right? At least that's what I'm going to try to do.
I never wanted to see his stupid face again. I mean, I hope he got better, but his face was still stupid. And now I'm in hospital and it's all his fault - well, kinda.
Then he turns up and I'm stuck with him because he's keeping us all safe
I've got a choice to make now - do I forgive him or not? Do I believe that it wasn't what it looked like? Yes. Do I believe that he knows how stupid he was? Yes. Am I ready to walk away from the man that I've been in love with for most of my life? No.
And now there's more for us to fight for. Our lives, our family's lives, and our babies lives.