Originally published in 1963, Monte Walsh continues to delight readers as a Western classic and popular favorite. The novel explores the cowboy lives of Monte Walsh and Chet Rollins as they carouse, ride, and work at the Slash Y with Cal Brennan. As the West changes and their...
Monte Walsh has never met a horse he couldn't ride, and Chet Rollins has never met one he couldn't rope. For a decade they are unbeatable and inseparable, working as trail hands throughout the West until finally settling with Cal Brennan's Slash Y. Their rough cowboy ethics see...
Monte Walsh has never met a horse he couldn't ride, and Chet Rollins has never met one he couldn't rope. For a decade they are unbeatable and inseparable, working as trail hands throughout the West until finally settling with Cal Brennan's Slash Y. Their rough cowboy ethics see...
Monte Walsh has never met a horse he couldn't ride, and Chet Rollins has never met one he couldn't rope. For a decade they are unbeatable and inseparable, working as trail hands throughout the West until finally settling with Cal Brennan's Slash Y. Their rough cowboy ethics see...