The riveting Chaos Walking trilogy by two-time Carnegie Medalist Patrick Ness, reissued with compelling covers -- and a bonus short story in each book. "This is science fiction at its best, and is a singular fusion of brutality and idealism that is, at last, perfectly human."...
El tercer y ?ltimo libro de la trilog?a "Chaos Walking", en la que se basa la pr?xima producci?n cinematogr?fica de Lionsgate. Tres ej?rcitos marchan hacia New Prentisstown, cada uno decidido a eliminar a los otros. Todd y Viola no tienen posibilidad...
In the riveting conclusion to the acclaimed dystopian series, a boy and girl caught in the chaos of war face devastating choices that will decide the fate of a world. As a world-ending war surges around them, Todd and Viola face monstrous decisions. The indigenous Spackle, thinking...
In the riveting conclusion to the acclaimed dystopian series, a boy and girl caught in the chaos of war face devastating choices that will decide the fate of a world.