Especially for preschool and elementary-aged children who are discovering all sorts of big emotions. Research has shown that learning to identify and name emotions helps children (and adults) regulate them. This playful book helps parents and kids explore their feelings in a fun way while also providing a vocabulary to name specific emotions.
Seven illustrated monsters bring to life the core emotions we all feel: Sadness, Envy, Shame, Love, Anger, Joy, and Fear. Each monster is a different color and correlates to a 'circle of friends' (i.e. feeling wheel) that uses a gradient of the monster's color to indicate 15 more nuanced emotions ranging from subtle (lighter shade) to intense (darker shade).
Monster Feelings can be read at storytime or bedtime, used as a communication tool during meltdowns (can you point to how you're feeling? What color do you see right now?), or taught as curriculum in preschool/grade school.
We all feel what we feel. It's how we act on those feelings that's important. Identifying the specific emotion is the first step in regulating our emotions. This book is a must-have for parents seeking to raise resilient, emotionally intelligent kids.
"Laura came to my daycare to read her new children's book Monster Feelings. It has 7 cute, little monsters & each one is a different emotion that we all feel. Children big and small would enjoy and benefit from this book as it teaches mindfulness in a fun & creative way. Excellent for at home or as a classroom resource I would highly recommend this book." - Kim, Owner, Kim's Kreative Korner (California, USA)
"I love Monster Feelings] - there's so much there - vocabulary building, a refrain that can become a mantra." - Emily, Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Chester, UK)
"Not only does Monster Feelings help kids navigate their emotions, but it will also be an excellent resource and reference for summer camp counselors (typically teenagers or young adults) as they guide kids throughout their camp experience." - Travis Allison, Award-Winning Marketing Strategist for International Summer Camps, Founder of CampHacker, and Co-Founder of Go Camp Pro (Ontario, Canada)
"Monster Feelings has been a great tool in opening up channels of communication with our foster son on the subject. It has really helped him in identifying his emotions and opened up discussions on properly expressing them. For a young kid in foster care, this book created a safe and fun environment to talk openly about his emotions. I would highly recommend this book not just for the kids but for parents as well." - Rebecca, Foster Parent to 7-year-old (Georgia, USA)
"Laura Tyson has filled a huge need in raising the kick-ass kids who will lead us in a volatile, uncertain future. Monster Feelings helps kids develop a critical skill that we need them to master: emotional literacy. The people who can label and name their feelings take us closer to creating a society with greater empathy. These future leaders will grow up to make our most important decisions infused with higher levels of EQ." - Dr. Robert Zeitlin, Positive School Psychologist, Author of "Laugh More, Yell Less: A Guide to Raising Kick-Ass Kids" (Pennsylvania, USA)