A defining work of twentieth-century modernism, now newly translated--a philosophical novel about the nature of consciousness, all centered around a character who is composed of absolute brain and intellect, a character of pure mind. In 1892, during an intense...
Although not autobiographical in any usual sense, Val ry's novel is profoundly personal. Monsieur Teste reflects Val ry's preoccupation with the phenomenon of a mind detached from sensibility, yet he is also an ordinary fictional character. This volume includes "Snapshots of...
Although not autobiographical in any usual sense, Val?ry's novel is profoundly personal. Monsieur Teste reflects Val?ry's preoccupation with the phenomenon of a mind detached from sensibility, yet he is also an ordinary fictional character. This volume includes "Snapshots...
«... M. Teste avait peut- tre quarante ans. Sa parole tait extraordinairement rapide, et sa voix sourde. Tout s'effa ait en lui, les yeux, les mains. Il avait pourtant les paules militaires, et le pas d'une r gularit qui tonnait. Quand il parlait, il ne levait jamais...