Molly Brown's Post Graduate Days is a novel written by Nell Speed and published in 1914. The book is a continuation of the story of Molly Brown, a young woman from a humble background who rose to prominence through her wit, charm, and determination. In this installment, Molly...
Molly Brown's Post Graduate Days is a novel written by Nell Speed and published in 1914. The book is a continuation of the Molly Brown series, which follows the adventures of a young woman from a humble background who rises to become a wealthy and influential member of society...
Molly Brown's Post-Graduate Days, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future...
"Oh, Judy, almost home I wonder who will meet us," cried Molly Brown. "I feel in my bones that you and my family will be as good friends as you and I have always been. You are sure to get on well with the boys."