Moli and The Magic Tunnel portrayed the love that started with oneself. With the magic of witnessing the past through an adventure of a time machine tunnel, Moli was able to meet with his grandpa when he was younger and learnt the nature of love as well as the impermanence of things. Eventually he also becomes aware of the nature of his changing emotions. And what is meant to truly love himself before it is possible for him to do the same to others.
"A complex subject on impermanent and inner awareness made easy through interesting story and beautiful illustrations."
The best way to teach kids is through play. Stories can show children mindfulness without necessarily touching the word, intertwining breathing work and body awareness in a fun and active way to this very active age group. Their minds will not necessarily associate breathing with meditation or being good, but purely as breathing. The adult readers of these stories can ask the child to follow along and do the breathing parts when they arise in the story. Learning should be fun, and "becoming" should be as natural as playing.
Moli and The Magic Tunnel