One book a year, then in year five, not this time, not this book. It's not writen for now, for a moment. It's writen about and to The Eternal One. While I imperfectly pour pieces of my heart, my mind and my soul into words, layered on these pages, I hope you see Who I have seen, Who I have come to know. I hope you can see past my eyes to Who is worth more than can ever be acquired. To The Source all of life and freedom. To the One who waits for each hearts turning towards.
As the Lords prayer starts with an acknowledgment of who God is, so the first two chapters focus on who God is, His Love and His character. Then on who we are, and who we are joined to The Christ. Chapters three and four move to religion and relationship. God's religion is inherently for relationship and what He values, and is the only one to want. Choosing to focus on what He wants, and not in other directions. So I write to this clarity, to the 'eyes on Me' that He desires. Let God's religion be my only religion, it's a lighter load.
Much effort has been made in sharing from my journey to ensure these words are honest and insightful, essentially my best for The Highest. I hope what you hear when you read them, resonates to you.
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