Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town, Jamaica is a novel by the renowned English author, Anthony Trollope. The book tells the story of Sarah Jack, a young woman who grows up in Jamaica during the early 19th century. Sarah is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner, and she is raised...
Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town Jamaica is a novel written by Anthony Trollope. The story is set in the mid-19th century and revolves around the life of Miss Sarah Jack, a young woman living in Jamaica. Sarah is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner and is known for her...
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era. He wrote penetrating novels on political, social, and gender issues and conflicts of his day. In 1867 Trollope left his position in the British Post Office...
Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town Jamaica is a novel written by Anthony Trollope. The story is set in Jamaica during the 19th century and follows the life of Sarah Jack, a young woman who is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner. Sarah's life is turned upside down when her...
Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish town, Jamaica
""Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town Jamaica"" is a novel written by Anthony Trollope. The story follows the life of Sarah Jack, a young woman who lives in Jamaica during the mid-19th century. Sarah is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner and leads a privileged life. However,...
There is nothing so melancholy as a country in its decadence, unless it be a people in their decadence. I am not aware that the latter misfortune can be attributed to the Anglo-Saxon race in any part of the world; but there is reason to fear that it has fallen on an English colony...