Miss Philura�������s Wedding Gown is a novel written by Florence Morse Kingsley and published in 1912. The story is set in a small town in the United States during the mid-19th century and follows the life of Philura, a young woman...
Miss Philura's Wedding Gown is a novel written by Florence Morse Kingsley and published in 1912. The story follows the life of Miss Philura, a young woman living in a small town in the early 1900s. Miss Philura is known for her talent in sewing and embroidery, and she dreams...
Miss Philura�������s Wedding Gown is a novel written by Florence Morse Kingsley in 1912. The story revolves around a young woman named Philura, who lives in a small town in New England. Philura is known for her beauty and her skill...