Miriam Lassoes the Worry Whirlwind
What do you do when your sunshine feelings are clouded over by a worry whirlwind? Miriam wants to enjoy new experiences at the county fair, but first she must remember important tools that help her filter thoughts, assess true dangers, and overcome worry with comfort. Discover the LASSO tools Miriam uses to keep her worry whirlwind from becoming a disastrous storm.
This diverse book features a range of families and diversity in positive ways. The MVP Kids span diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, family situations, physical challenges, education, and professions. Some are the only child in their family; others have large families. Some are recent immigrants; others date back to the Pilgrims. The diversity allows children to see themselves in the pages of the book while also seeing positive interaction with others who are different.
About the Help Me Understand series
The multitude of emotions children face every day as they grow up can be confusing and hard to deal with. That's why Sophia Day is writing a series all about helping children understand the feelings they experience everyday. Elementary readers will gain tools to take responsibility for their own emotions and develop healthy relationships. Each book follows the life of one of our diverse sixteen MVP Kids and contains a discussion guide giving further insight and reflection questions related to the book's content. These pages are designed for parents and children to interact together or for children to use individually. Help your child understand emotions with the MVP Kids today
About MVP Kids
Families with a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds drive the inspiration for child education and social emotional learning. MVP Kids enables real-world kids in addressing the challenges in their lives through story based character lessons where the kids interact at school, social situations and in their communities. MVP Kids board books enrich preschool readers; hardcovers and paperbacks focus on school-agers. Each MVP Kids book includes extensive coaching information for parents and educators guidance in promoting character education, including social and emotional learning.