This book is written on the real Experiences of the Life. It contains the some effective formulas to live the True life with the definite Solutions of every unsolved Question. It is made with the Hop to help every-one or make the Life Easy and Happier.
This book is wrote in the Year 2016 on the Truths of the Life which can changes in the Human behavior or its Life to survive. And there is also transform the few thoughts according today's Environment. Now, no one can remains the old Culture, ever one have to become the Modern or Rich by the "Hook or Crook".
In this book nothing contains copy from the other Books. I am just trying to create the some-thing new and more Effect full ways to achieve the Success in the Life.
According me
*The thinking (Sense) of the Writers is same but the Wordings and Sentences are different from others.
* Every class made have the same study material, but everyone can write the exam in their wordings or styles.
* A Question is also Solve in the different ways, but the Answer is always remains the same.
"So, change the View to change the Life."