Get your students composing quicker than you can say "Compose"
Through the MINI MUSIC books, students are introduced to various concepts through composition. In the Alto Clef, students write 36 short songs through given sets of notes on the Bass Staff which leads up to learning 5-note scales of C and G Major, and D Minor. This book is set up for students to write out notes in 4 measures using 4/4 and 3/4 times. The final two songs are blank 8 measure songs for students to write "longer" pieces.
There is also a good mix of titled and untitled songs. Most all songs give students prompts to give them inspiration before writing, and some include a blank title for students to come up with their own. Creativity is the goal here, and students should enjoy the composing process. This book gives students a chance to do so, in small chunks so you can fit them in lessons
This International Edition features the use of "Crotchet" rather than "Quarter Notes" in our other edition.
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