Now a Netflix original series Discover the classic, behind-the-scenes chronicle of John E. Douglas' twenty-five-year career in the FBI Investigative Support Unit, where he used psychological profiling to delve into the minds of the country's most notorious serial...
Es la historia, contada por l mismo, de John Douglas, el hombre que revolucion las t cnicas para estudiar las mentes de los criminales en serie. Durante veinticinco a os como agente especial del FBI, Douglas contribuy a resolver los casos m s dif ciles, con aciertos asombrosos,...
Now a Netflix original series Discover the classic, behind-the-scenes chronicle of John E. Douglas' twenty-five-year career in the FBI Investigative Support Unit, where he used psychological profiling to delve into the minds of the country's most notorious serial killers...
During his twenty-five year career with the Investigative Support Unit, Special Agent John Douglas became a legendary figure in law enforcement, pursuing some of the most notorious and sadistic serial killers of our time: the man who hunted prostitutes for sport in the woods...