Are you tired of suffering? Are you tired of being stressed?
Do you suffer of migraines, back pain, and tension headaches?
Have traditional methods of treatment failed to heal you?
Are you looking for lasting relief?
If you suffer from chronic pain, whether as a result of an injury, illness, or accident, this audiobook is for you.
We try every techniques out there that claim that we can heal ourselves, but it doesn't seem like anything is working for us.
Maybe we feel guilty, inadequate, or useless because we are in pain.
We feel weak if we have to take painkillers and maybe we feel like a burden on our friends and family.
Although the causes for pain may be physical, as often as not it can have an emotional, mental, or spiritual component.
So it's always a good idea to examine the situation from all sides and to know that healing is possible.
Here you will be listen easy and deep hypnosis and mindfulness techniques for reconnecting with the body and allowing fear, pain, frustration, and depression to release.
You will get these benefits:
Overcome Chronic Pain Quickly and Effectively Once and For All, Stop Allowing Pain to Affect your Everyday Life Negatively, Create Healing Energy and Reframe ALL Your Negative Thoughts, Lessen your Stress, See Immediate Results in How you Begin to Look at your Situation and your Ability to Handle Pain with an Even Mind, Listen to Powerful Affirmations that Supercharge your Health and Healing, Reprogram your Subconscious Mind for Rapid Positive Health and Energy.This audiobook can be listened to in bed, resting in a reclining chair, lying on its side or walking around, depending on the position that sharpens the pain.
All meditations are specially designed to work with your subconscious mind also during your sleep cycle with soothing background music.
That's allowing you to access the deepest parts of your mind.
Listening to a soft voice guiding you through the practice is the best way to get the most out of your meditation and create healing and stress relief for your body in few minutes
Includes 8 and more guided practices that listeners can use anywhere.
Guided imagery has been used in pain management for decades and they will work for you too and when you wake up you'll feel well rested, healthy, and relaxed.
So, are you ready and motivated to Cure Physical and Emotional Suffering?
Take control of your life and let yourself be guided to complete healing.
Affordably priced and ideal for beginners.Related Subjects
Religion Religion & Spirituality Self Help Self-Help Self-Help & Psychology Spirituality