It's a familiar feeling, you are sat at the dinner table and your child is acting up. You have tried everything you thought was right. After a long day of work, it feels like your child is purposefully pushing your buttons.
No parent wants to lose control and shout at their kid, but it happens. Maybe you think that at least you are disciplining your child... but studies show that long term it leads to poorer parent-child relations and is consistently ranked the worst disciplining method by child behavior psychologists.
No parent wants to have a bad relationship with their child, but if they don't take the time to watch their own behavior it can happen without them even realizing.
Aileen Jarvis & Rowan Roffe are child developmental specialists and have seen this happen over and over again.
One of the most common issues they faced when working with children has always been the way in which the parents are just so radically underprepared to cope with the stress of raising a child.
While working together they realized that if they wanted to make a real and lasting impact on a child's life, they had to start at the core, they had to start with the parents.
Ever since then they have worked tirelessly to bridge the divide between parent and child and teach parents the secrets of mindful parenting.
Since seamlessly integrating mindfulness into their therapeutic approach, they have gone from success to success. The impact that they made on the child by simply slightly adjusting parental behaviors has been so successful that they have made it a fundamental part of their treatment process.
For the first time ever, they are releasing their parenting roadmap in book form, for much less than the price of an expensive therapy session.
In Mindful habits for better parents, discover the secrets:
Mindfulness, what's all the fuss about it anyway? What really is going on inside the brains of your kid? Can mindful parenting bring you closer to your partner? 5 little things that you probably aren't getting right Habits you need to start doing as soon as possible 3 simple tricks that will stop from you losing your coolIt is never too late to learn new parenting techniques and Aileen Jarvis & Rowan Roffe have even had success with older teenagers.
In their long career, they have collectively dealt with over 10,000 children from every age bracket. Mindful parenting has proven to be one of their most effective techniques for connecting children with parents in over 89% of all cases that they have dealt with.
Ultimately, your goal will always be to raise your child as best as possible. To love them and care for them. No more will you have to worry about the stress of a tantrum in public or your teen not obeying curfew. In this easy-to-follow book, Aileen Jarvis & Rowan Roffe have cracked the code to a more rewarding parenting experience.
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Parenting & Relationships