"The most beautiful benefit in being a prisoner is the expectation of freedom. Devotional Volume 1, taught us how to use the things that were seemingly meant as a setback to grant us powerful freedom tools in unlocking mental bars that sentenced us to a life of conformity. Volume 2 will help you to become the best version of you in spite of the traps, negatives of the past, criticism and even injustice."
-Min. Stacy-Ann Garvey
Author, Founder of Prison Break Movement
Does it still feel like you are a prisoner of your mind despite your best efforts?
In this devotional follow-up to the book Mind Renewal: Biblical Secrets to a Better You, Pastor and Guidance Counsellor Rev. Leostone Morrison, provides the keys to unlock the wealth of your mind as you continue to transform your mind with the Word of God, be conscious that mind renewal is not an event but a journey.
This 30-day devotional is part two of a three-part series to maintain your mental freedom and protect you from the onslaught of negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs. Get your copy of the Mind Renewal Transformation Devotional series and discover the keys to become a better you.
Rev. Leostone Morrison is a graduate of the Jamaica Theological Seminary and holds a bachelor's degree in Theology, with a minor in Guidance and Counseling. He is the author of the book, Mind Renewal: Biblical Secrets to a Better You, from which this devotional series was birthed. He has served as an Assistant Pastor and Guidance Counsellor at the Ministry of Education in Jamaica. Currently, he is a Probation Officer in St Kitts and Nevis. He is married and has four sons and one daughter.