I've been inspired by many books, speeches, and stories over the years, and they have become a big part of my journey. Discovering new ideas, learning that people have same thoughts that I have, and learning how they handled similar situations has been one of the most helpful tools I've received. Constant learning is a key to life. Having a strong mindset and knowing how to optimize your thoughts will make them an asset for you in your daily life. But one thought has always been in the back of my mind:
"What if I had learned these tips and tricks when I was growing up? What if there had been resources I could use when I was first making these discoveries and having these thoughts, in the moment?"
That thought, along with my children, brought me to this place. This book is a culmination of stories and lessons to help the teenage mind get through the most common scenarios and to equip them with new strategies and thoughts to get through tough situations.