We all want fulfilling and rewarding careers. But we often allow our fears to take hold and miss the best way to achieve our goals. We prioritise ourselves and our needs when we should make the problems we can solve for potential employers of clients the backbone of our job search.
Adjusting our mindset is the essence of MIND FLIP, the must-read career manual for anyone looking to change jobs, win a promotion or salary increase, or simply find more fulfilling work. It covers all career stages from graduate to granddad, including Mum returners, the over-50s, women in business, those who need extra help because of disability, and the newly self-employed.
It is the result of Zena Everett's many years of working in recruitment and career coaching, and provides you with everything you need to fire up your career. No wonder UK broadcaster Graham Norton said:
'Zena is an absolute star. She will transform the way you look at your career for ever.'
Part one, Figure It Out, helps you to figure out the unique value you provide. Why should someone hire you, or use your services? The second part, Crack On, gives you practical tools and techniques to launch your job search, land a new job, win a promotion, or find the freelance work you really want. Part three, Just For You, offers specific help for freelancers, returners to the workplace, working Mums, over-50s, graduates or disabled job seekers. The final part, Fulfil It, helps you to keep going, shows you how to maintain your network and keep raising the bar on your aspirations so you achieve the ambitions you previously thought were out of reach or which sat below your radar.
MIND FLIP even includes a chapter that helps you to cope and emerge with your reputation intact when things go astray -- such as finding yourself working for a narcissistic boss.