Imagine if your mind had been trained in its appropriate way of functioning at age 10, in other words, if you were taught how to use your mind appropriately' I believe you would be in a much better place in life today. At age 10, you were probably starting to learn and understand the world around you, and if your mind was trained appropriately' it would have had a significant impact on your personal development and learning.
For example, if your mind had been trained to focus, concentrate and imagine effectively' you likely would have excelled in your academic studies and developed strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This could have opened many doors for you in terms of education and career opportunities.
Furthermore, if your mind had been trained in mindfulness and emotional intelligence from a young age, you may have been better equipped to handle the challenges and stresses of life. You may have been more self-aware and able to regulate your emotions and thoughts, leading to better decision-making and more positive relationships with others.
Overall, I believe that training the mind on its appropriate usage at a young age can have a tremendous impact on an individual's development and future success. While it is never too late to work on improving the mind at a mature age, the earlier one starts, the better equipped they will be to navigate the challenges of life and achieve their goals. This clearly spells out the purpose of this book.