They come from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Al Jaza'ir, Somalia, Hagere Ertra, Iraq, Libiyah, Al Maghrib, Haiti and many other countries where life is no longer compatible with the idea of future. There are millions of them. How many millions? We don't know. They are called "migrants"and have only one obsession: to reach Europe. Europe has panicked for the last years. The responsible politicians and the public opinion understood that there are about 80 million people who live in war zones and have in fact the right to ask for international protection, i.e. political asylum in Europe. The borders started to close, barbed wire appeared. Europe doesn't come to terms with the situation, instead it seems to give in to the temptation of giving up its values. It is a human tragedy happening in front of our eyes. This play has thus at least one major target: to destroy indifference.
Drama. Literary Nonfiction.