"Romantic suspense is her true forte." -- Minneapolis Star-Tribune New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell creates suspense and emotional intensity with her classic Midnight in Ruby Bayou, a riveting romantic thriller in her popular four-book series featuring the remarkable...
"Romantic suspense is her true forte." -- Minneapolis Star-Tribune New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell creates suspense and emotional intensity with her classic Midnight in Ruby Bayou, a riveting romantic thriller in her popular four-book series featuring the remarkable...
"Romantic suspense is her true forte." New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell creates suspense and emotional intensity with her classic Midnight in Ruby Bayou, a riveting romantic thriller in her popular four-book...
--Minneapolis Star-Tribune
"Romantic suspense is her true forte." New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell creates suspense and emotional intensity with her classic Midnight in Ruby Bayou, a riveting romantic thriller in her popular four-book...
--Minneapolis Star-Tribune