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LawAs a student going to study my masters in Egyptology, I've been reading quite extensively on ancient Egypt. This book's title is originally got me hooked. What I did not expect was a case for the crisis in conservation in Egypt. The Romer's comment on the excavation of KV5 by Kent Weeks (a man I have heard of in archaeology). It turns out that Weeks' excavation techniques are actually speeding up the tombs rate of decay!...
In this piece, the Romers take their intimate knowledge and feelings for the Valley of the Kings and put them into the most elequent plea one can ever read. They bring to our attention the shoddy excavation techniques currently being used in the Valley, particularily in the excavation of KV5, and the perilous state of practically all of the Valley's tombs. Even the tomb of Tutankhamun has experienced minor flooding,...