An excellent book. Lots of examples. Unfortunately, you will have to type in all the code examples yourself as the Sams Publishing web page does not have any downloads even though the back covers says that they are available.
This book did a great job of revealing the breadth of features available in the product. I think this book is quite useful to not only those that are just getting started but those that are seriously considering implementing VS/TFS in the organization. Even if you are an experienced user of Visual Studio you will certainly learn several new tricks. In fact, I reference this book with my clients who are interested in rolling...
OK... I can see why Microsoft Visual Studio has been such a popular IDE for developers. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed from Lars Powers and Mike Snell does a nice job in explaining the value of the latest version of this classic, as well as being an in-depth guide to the feature set... Contents: Part 1 - An Introduction to Visual Studio 2005/.NET: A Quick Tour of Visual Studio 2005; A Quick Tour of the IDE; .NET...
This is a pretty impressive book, albeit a bit lengthier than it needed to be. There's tremendous coverage of everything, and I mean everything, in Visual Studio 2005. If you're new to VS 2005 then you'll find this a great guide to getting the most out of your environment. If you're fairly familiar with VS 2005 then you may still find a few goodies hidden away here too. The book spends too much time showing needless material...
As the back cover of the book says, it's certainly a deep dive into VS2005. Microsoft is doing a very familiar reprise of its playbook. It has a development environment for programmers that it continues to richly enhance with many new features. Hundreds, as the book points out. (Just like Microsoft does with its Office suite.) Plus, Microsoft has managed to do this on a two year schedule, as VS2003 was the last release. Contrasts...