Does this sound at all familiar? A greedy capitalist exploits a technological breakthrough that could benefit humanity. His effort to show off his work to visitors on an island ends up with them fighting for their lives against savage creatures. Preston (The Hot Zone) has completed...
In the vein of Jurassic Park, this high-concept thriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for a mysterious biotech company only to find themselves cast out into the rain forest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them.An...
In the vein of Jurassic Park, this high conceptthriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for amysterious biotech company only to find themselves cast out into the rainforest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them. Aninstant...
In the vein of Jurassic Park , this high-concept thriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for a mysterious biotech company only to find themselves cast out into the rain forest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them...