Weary of too many battles, Kitt is done with fighting and renounces his warrior way. He decides that from now on, he will work as a blacksmith. People respect him less for that, but being a humble workman is good enough for him, and safer - for others. The legends tell that in Taumeiryale, a city by the river Meira, a secret of steel sleeps, and he wanders there to uncover it.
In Taumeiryale, Maiat, the Higher Order of things rules in the person of the Sunlord, a ten-year-old boy. Kitt is the only blacksmith there, iron is not held in high regard and he wonders if he came to the wrong place. Then, iron from distant shores surfaces, and tempted by the dark secrets, the young Sunlord befriends Kitt and brings them both into open conflict with the priests of the Temple of Eternal Light. Soon, the colossal winged serpents slither through the streets to devour whom they find, and not even the golden palace is safe. A beautiful woman brings Kitt a fragment from a fallen star. Forging the meteor iron, magic comes within his reach as it never has before. A water woman can weep for the first time, a dark angel is scheming from beyond the world divides, and a sky storming pyramid serves as a beacon of hope for the souls lost in the desert sands. From the sixth piece of the fallen star, Kitt forges the Star Sword, the weapon to end all evil. In taking the hilt he risks his very soul. Many covet the Star Sword and Kitt must go far south to hide it and contain the immense power he has brought into the world. On this journey, he meets an old friend, Sogolon Ogidigan of Kangaba, and together they face dragons and the undead raised by the cruel rites of unscrupulous sorcerers.