Unsurpassed as a gripping tale of historical adventure, Men Against the Sea is the epic account of the eighteen loyal men set adrift on the high seas after the mutiny on the Bounty.
With Captain Bligh at the helm of a 23-foot open launch, the loyal sailors...
MEN AGAINST THE SEA is the epic story of the 19 loyal men who, with Captain Bligh at the helm, were set adrift in a 23-foot open launch. Their 3,600-mile voyage remains one of the greatest feats of courage and adventure in the annals of the sea.
MEN AGAINST THE SEA is the epic story of the 19 loyal men who, with Captain Bligh at the helm, were set adrift in a 23-foot open launch. Their 3,600-mile voyage remains one of the greatest feats of courage and adventure in the annals of the sea.
James Norman Hall (1887-1951) was an American author best known for the novel Mutiny on the Bounty with co-author Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947) an English-born American novelist and traveler. Mutiny on the Bounty is the title of the 1932 novel by Charles Nordhoff and James...
James Norman Hall (1887-1951) was an American author best known for the novel Mutiny on the Bounty with co-author Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947) an English-born American novelist and traveler. Mutiny on the Bounty is the title of the 1932 novel by Charles Nordhoff and James...
MEN AGAINST THE SEA is the epic story of the 19 loyal men who, with Captain Bligh at the helm, were set adrift in a 23-foot open launch. Their 3,600-mile voyage remains one of the greatest feats of courage and adventure in the annals of the sea.