A Tail of Two Puppies is the story of two very loved real puppies. Up until the time our vet called us about a very special Brussels Griffon in need of a home, we had always been a one puppy at a time household. Little did we know then how much that call would change our lives. This really happened but it is fictionized as to how Little Bit of Love(the first puppy) may have interacted with Laddie Boy when we were not watching them. Also based on things that happened after we took Laddie Boy, where he might have come from.
The idea of Jebby the Gardening Chipmunk came from a summer of finding gladious growing everywhere. Under the pine tree-in the vegetable garden but not in the flowerbed where they were supposed to be. I didn\'t know what was going on until I saw the culprit in action. A chipmunk moving a beet into the cucumber patch.
Jenny Wren Looks for a Home is based on an event that actually happened at a hotel.