Chapter 1: The Rise of Theory in Medical Sociology: William C. Cockerham.- Chapter 2: Modern Symbolic Interaction Theory and Health: Kathy Charmaz and Linda Belgrave.- Chapter 3: Social Construction and Health: Sigrun Olafsdottir.- Chapter 4: Statecraft and Soulcraft: Foucault in Prolonging Life: Bryan S. Turner and Alex Dumas.- Chapter 5: Marx, Critical Realism, and Health Inequalities: Graham Scambler and Sasha Scambler.- Chapter 6: Fundamental Cause Theory: Bruce Link and Jo Phelan.- Chapter 7: Bourdieu and an Update of Health Lifestyle Theory: William C. Cockerham.- Chapter 8: Gender Theory and Health: Ellen Annandale.- Chapter 9: Theories and the Rise and Fall of the Medical Profession: Bernice Pescosolido.- Chapter 10: Medicalization, Changing Contours, Charateristics, and Contexts: Peter Conrad.- Chapter 11: Reflexive Modernity and the Sociology of Health: Brian Hinote and Jason Wasserman.- Chapter 12: Social Capital and Health: Lijun Song.