This page-turner of a novella follows the journey of Max, an adopted young boy who leads a happy life until he discovers that he is an orphan. This revelation turns his world upside down, and he struggles to come to terms with his identity and belonging. But things take an eerie turn when Max starts experiencing strange occurrences that change his life forever.
As Max goes missing, his family, friends, and the police, led by officer Steve, work tirelessly to find him. But their search leads to dead-ends, and Max returns with a host of mysteries, secrets, and supernatural abilities. Alongside dealing with these newfound powers, Max also navigates the complexities of love when he starts a romantic relationship with his sister's friend, Sarah. This enthralling novel is a thrilling, suspenseful, and emotional tale of discovery, acceptance, and love that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Get your copy now and dive into the world of Max and his mysterious powers. Echoes of the Past is available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover formats. Don't miss out on this exciting first book in a three-part series. Order your copy Now!