Max Carrados is a fictional blind detective in a series of mystery stories and books by Ernest Bramah. The Max Carrados stories often appeared alongside Sherlock Holmes in the Strand Magazine, often having top billing, and frequently outsold his contemporary at the time. A classic...
Max Carrados is a fictional blind detective in a series of mystery stories and books by Ernest Bramah, first published in 1914. The Max Carrados stories appeared alongside Sherlock Holmes stories in the Strand Magazine. Bramah was often billed above Arthur Conan Doyle, and...
"Max Carrados" from Ernest Bramah. English author (1868-1942).
Max Carrados is a fictional blind detective in a series of mystery stories and books by Ernest Bramah, first published in 1914. The Max Carrados stories appeared alongside Sherlock Holmes stories in the Strand Magazine. Bramah was often billed above Arthur Conan Doyle, and...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
"Max Carrados" is a compilation of short stories published in 1914 by the English author Ernest Bramah. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle. "Carrados" was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes...
Reproduction of the original: Max Carrados by Ernest Bramah
It was eight o'clock at night and raining, scarcely a time when a business so limited in its clientele as that of a coin dealer could hope to attract any customer, but a light was still showing in the small shop that bore over its window the name of Baxter, and in the even smaller...