The Redwall series is soon to be a Netflix original movie The heroic adventures of Redwall continue with another epic tale overflowing with valorous personality, from the beloved, bestselling saga. Slagar the Fox is determined to vanquish peaceable Redwall...
New York Times bestselling author Brian Jacques gives us another tale of Redwall, filled with "The Knights of the Round Table with paws" (The Sunday Times) along with their friends and enemies. Slagar the fox hated Redwall Abbey--its peaceable creatures,...
In the magnificent tradition of Waershop Down, an extraordinary tale of corageous adventure -- from the author of Redwall and Mossflower . In the summer of the Golden Plain, the cunning fox, Slagar the cruel, and his evil henchmen sneak into Redwall Abbey to kidnap the woodland...
Mattimeo, the son of the warrior mouse Matthias, learns to take up the sword and joins the other animal inhabitants of Redwall Abbey in resisting Slagar the fox and his band of marauders. Sequel to Redwall.
The third book in the beloved, bestselling Redwall saga - soon to be a major Netflix movie Slagar the Fox is bent on revenge - and determined to bring death and destruction to Redwall. Gathering his evil band around him, Slagar plots to strike at the heart of the...
For use in schools and libraries only. The warrior mouse Matthias and his friends must leave the Abbey undefended as they pursue Slagar, who has kidnapped the children of Redwall, including Mattimeo, Matthias's son. Reissue.