Math Kangaroo contest
The Math Kangaroo grades 1 and 2 Contest almost does not include the direct math computation problems, which are very different from the math contests in China where direct computation problems could include skilful computation problems. I analyzed the most recent years of Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest grade 1 and 2 problems, and they start to emerge some characteristics and categories, so I include here to help students prepare for it. The lower grade math contest tends to skew to the more visual operation type of problems. The problems could be classified as follows. Many of the following problems are not typical problems that appeared in the books where you can buy from a bookstore because the problems in the math contests are much more complicated and involve many creativities.
-Number relationships - mixed computation
-Placing numbers in empty spaces
-Logic problems
-Geometry - Missing part of a figure or dividing a figure, Symmetry
-Counting figures and angles
-Arrangement and combination
-Substitution method
-Number puzzles including filling numbers into empty spaces