Billabong homestead lay calm and peaceful in the slanting rays of the sum that crept down the western sky. The red roofs were half hidden in the surrounding trees-pine and box and mighty blue gums towering above the tenderer green of the orchard, and the wide-flung tendrils of...
Mates at Billabong
Mates at Billabong is a classic Australian children's novel written by Mary Grant Bruce. The story follows the adventures of Norah Linton and her friends as they spend their summer holidays at Billabong, a remote cattle station in the Australian bush. Norah and her friends, including...
""Mates At Billabong"" is a novel written by Mary Grant Bruce. The story revolves around a group of friends who embark on a series of adventures in the Australian outback. The main character, Norah Linton, is a young girl who lives with her family on a cattle station called Billabong...
Mates At Billabong is a children's novel written by Mary Grant Bruce. The story revolves around a group of young friends who spend their summer holidays at Billabong, a cattle station in the Australian outback. The main character, Norah Linton, is a strong-willed and adventurous...
Mates At Billabong is a classic Australian children's book written by Mary Grant Bruce. The story follows the adventures of Norah and Jim, two siblings who live on a farm called Billabong with their father and his friend, Wally Meadows. When Wally's nephew, a city boy named David,...
"Wish Dad would come," she said aloud, puckering her brow over a knot in the silk. "He's late-and it is jolly dull without him." The knot came free, and the needles raced as though making up for lost time. Two dogs lay on the grass: a big sleepy collie that only moved occasionally...
Mary Grant Bruce (24 May 1878 - 2 July 1958), also known as Minnie Bruce, was an Australian children's author and journalist. While all her thirty-seven books enjoyed popular success in Australia and overseas, particularly in the United Kingdom, she was most famous for the...
Mary Grant Bruce (24 May 1878 - 2 July 1958), also known as Minnie Bruce, was an Australian children's author and journalist. While all her thirty-seven books enjoyed popular success in Australia and overseas, particularly in the United Kingdom, she was most famous for the...