Archibold Masterman, tall, heavily-built, muscular, and on the wrong side of fifty, was universally esteemed an excellent specimen of that dubious product of modern commerce, the self-made man. At twenty he was a day-labourer, at thirty a jobbing builder, at forty a contractor...
Masterman and Son is a novel written by William James Dawson, first published in 1909. The story follows the life of a young man named Dick Masterman, who is the son of a wealthy businessman. Despite his privileged upbringing, Dick is dissatisfied with his life and yearns for...
""Masterman and Son"" is a novel written by William James Dawson and published in 1909. The story revolves around the life of a father and son duo, John Masterman and his son, Jack. John is a successful businessman who has worked hard to provide his son with a good education...
Reproduction of the original: Masterman and Son by W.J Dawson
Archibold Masterman, tall, heavily-built, muscular, and on the wrong side of fifty, was universally esteemed an excellent specimen of that dubious product of modern commerce, the self-made man. At twenty he was a day-labourer, at thirty a jobbing builder, at forty a contractor...