Even if you are just getting your feet wet on the subject of network administration, this book is your lifesaver in the deep sea of Windows 2003 R2 Active Directory administration. You'll appreciate the coverage of day-to-day tasks, troubleshooting suggestions, best practices, and AD optimization techniques. This book is very well written and will guide you through the variety of scenarios. A must have for a serious professional...
Great book. With a MCSE Certificate, I still go back to this book for answers.
This book is a fantastic resource for novices and experts alike. I relate this to a buffet of knowledge. If you are starving, there is plenty of content to fill you up. If you simply want to graze, there is enough high-level practical knowledge to appease. The chapters are very well written and you can tell the authors have worked hard avoiding the "bland technical trap" that I so often encounter in this industry. These...
Whether you are an AD novice or expert, this book is for you. The author's start with the basics and dig deep. Written in language that avoids boring the reader, the chapters held my attention start to finish. If you've EVER wanted to use scripts in AD, the scripting chapters will blow you away. Full of ready to use and easily modified scripts, as well as, a solid underpinning of windows scripting in general. If you administer...
Very good book, front to back, from design considarations to day-to-day work. Not too long either, gets to the point and delivers the message very well, easy read. I am an AD admin, so I bought the book for the management section, but have read the design chapters as well and I am really getting a good understanding now of what goes on in the mind of someone who designs AD.