There are now any number of pastiches of Sherlock Holmes. The author himself alludes to this at the beginning of this book, noting that Watson's "lost" manuscripts seem to crop up everywhere; he then ruminates on the possibility that some of them are fake. The current story interweaves Holmes with Count Dracula and his antagonists, Harker, Dr. Van Helsing, and the rest. The author (Watson, of course) insists that Stoker's...
First published in the late seventies, this is generally recognised as one of the all time classic Holmes pastiches. Yes you can quibble that Holmes was squarely a non-believer in the supernatural but it's hard to resist this pairing of the Great Detective and the Lord of the Undead. If you go with the notion and let the story transport you there is great fun to be had. I disagree with the opinion that Holmes has no point...
If you can suspend your disbelief that Sherlock Holmes can be convinced that vampires exist, then you'll have great fun with this novel. Author Loren Estleman has done a good job in replicating the tone and style of the Conan Doyle stories, and the way that he uses Bram Stoker's novel as the background for this story is very clever indeed. As anyone who has read Dracula will know, Dracula is "off-screen" for most of the book...
A rather clever retelling of the Bram Stoker tale with Holmes as a character, narrated, of course, by Watson, and purporting to be a part of the main canon. Estleman is good at recreating the Holmesian aspect: the boughs howling in moonlit graveyards, the gas-lamps' blobby light in thick fog, etc. He's done his research as to the period and the writing style, and it does work. (Less present is the macabre horror of Stoker's...
I had gone to my local bookstore to see if the most recent Sherlock Holmes story by Larry Millet was in yet. I happened upon "Sherlock Holmes Vs. Dracula". As much as I enjoy books about the great detective I was skeptical when I noted the title. Still, I decided to take a chance and purchased the book. What a find! My money was well spent. Holmes and Watson are matched against a totally different for than ever before. The...