Scientist Victor Frankenstein embarks on a quest to conquer human mortality. But his bid to create life out of death goes hideously wrong, and succeeds only in begetting a deformed monster. Horrified, he attempts to destroy his creation, but fails. Rejected by his creator, the...
Dr. Frankenstein creates a soulless monster from cadavers and tries to hide it from his beloved.
Scientist Victor Frankenstein embarks on a quest to conquer human mortality. But his bid to create life out of death goes hideously wrong, and succeeds only in begetting a deformed monster. Horrified, he attempts to destroy his creation, but fails. Rejected by his creator, the...
Scientist Victor Frankenstein embarks on a quest to conquer human mortality. But his bid to create life out of death goes hideously wrong, and succeeds only in begetting a deformed monster. Horrified, he attempts to destroy his creation, but fails. Rejected by his creator, the...